
Thursday 27 June 2019

Basketball On Tower

Today in inquiry everyone is blogging about what they have been doing for the last 3 weeks. We had 4 options we could pick to try make a bridge, a tower, a parachute or a vehicle. I picked tower because it seemed the easiest until I tried building it of course. I was not able to work on it much because I hurt my toe and I was not at school for about 4 days so I didn't have much time. We got to use only paper and masking tape. It was hard because I din't have much time and I didn't have as much materials as I thought but it was easy planning and designing a draft. I didn't see if it would work have to tried it before. Have you ever tried anything like this at your school

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Broken Paper Scissors Rock

Today at literacy I have just finished writing a story called broken paper scissors rock. First we watched a video called broken paper scissors rock and we  to write the story but from a any of the characters perspective you could pick the paper fairy the rock monster or the scissor assassin and yes I made all of those names because no one tells us the name. It was hard writing because I had to keep coming back to the video because I could not remember all of it at once. If you want to check it out for yourself then Click Here.

Monday 17 June 2019

My Identity

This is my Identity thing. Um I don´t have a name for it. We had to fill a 94 question form that will tell us 5 things about ourselves. First we did things we think we are and then we fell in the form. If you want to fill in the form then CLICK ME.

Not Too Close!

Today we solved a problem called Not Too Close! You had to try fill in all the boxes but the numbers couldn't be together. For example 3 can't be next to 4 it cant be in front of it, behind it or diagonal from it. It was hard making it so none of the numbers are in order but easy because Zi'ao was helping me too. We had to try come up with different combinations but I only came up with the one but I will do more after this can you figure out different combinations? If you can tell me how much and what they are.

Friday 14 June 2019

Caterpillar Feet

Today we watched a story called caterpillar feet it was about a caterpillar giving away his shoes because he doesn't need them anymore because hes gonna become a butterfly. it was not hard at all it was really just a relaxing piece of work. Have a look at my slide.

Thursday 13 June 2019

My Dog Guinness Repetition Poem

Today I finished writing a repetition poem about my dog Guinness AKA the best dog in the world. Obviously it was hard rhyming but really easy making the picture which I thought was going to be really hard. Can you read this really fast without making a mistake?

Sticking Together

Today I made a slide in math called sticking together and its full of questions for place value. I was hard working out the answers but easy when I was working with Mrs Mcg. Can you figure out these answers? have a go!

Tuesday 11 June 2019

The End

Today I finished writing a story called the end. Its about a rock that kills people by shooting laser beams through them. It was hard thinking about what the rock would do but easy starting the story off. Almost everyone got a buddy to help them but I find it easier to do it  by myself because they would be annoying and they would not do any work. Have a read and if your interested then leave a comment.

Friday 7 June 2019

Learning About Balance

Today for home room we were learning about balance. Mrs McGuinniety made us do a course on the playground but we were not allowed to use our hands. It was very hard because we were not not allowed to use their hands, some people were not even able to get onto 1 step but it was easy on the hanging robes because we could use our hands. Your probably thinking its  easy but if you think so then try it yourself.
Yes that's me with a log covering my head but it was the only one and don't blame me, I wasn't holding the camera.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Straw Rafts

In Inquiry we are learning about the design process. The design process is where you plan, design and test a product or theory. Sometimes when you test it it doesn't work and you have to start again to see how you would make it better. Mrs McG gave us a challenge. We had to plan, design and build a straw raft to float with 40g of weight on it. We could only use 20 straws and a meter of masking tape. Our raft failed 2 times because it turns out for a straw raft to float you need to make the raft less then the water. We did some research about how rafts float and found that the straws have to be perfectly in line and not all wonky. we found it hard because we needed more straws.