
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Ban the bag

Here is some writing showing why plastic bags are bad for the earth.

Animals are eating plastic bags thinking its food and now they are are dying.
I’m fine with bags, it’s just can't they make bags that are not poison and that animals can breathe through.
I mean at least they could stay alive.

Plastic bags are made of petroleum. Petroleum makes petrol and petrol is poison.
Do you know one plastic bag can power a car and make it go 115m.
Petroleum is poison and that means plastic is poison

It is also killing us because we eat fish and we eat food from plastic bags,
I strongly believe that since our food touches plastic bags that means it affecting us humans to.
and plastic bags are poison. So I think it’s killing us, just slowly.

Do you know that every minute about 1 million plastic objects go to sea.
And it takes like 4 million year’s for plastic to break.
I'm too scared to even think about what it will look like in 2019.
So stop using plastic bags.

Thursday 15 March 2018


Today we did coding we were learning to make a game based on sustainability Today we learnt to add sprites sprites are characters. We resized the sprites we learnt how to save our work. I'm making a game called be sustainable fox. If you want a try go on to scratch.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

what I can do to help be sustainable.

This morning I learnt about what it means to be sustainable is I could start gardening or walk to school instead of driving.
What do you think?

Friday 9 March 2018

creating a kite

This week for reading we have be reading stories based on kite's. because kite's represent our school. The teacher said my group got to make our own kite's and blog it. I found It hard using the controls for making the kite. It was hard to keep my mouse trait for making lines. this is what my kite looks like.I am really proud of my kite.

Kite eating tree.

In Writing we have been writing about what you think happens in the picture. this is what I think happens. we had to say what happens 5 mins before and 5 mins after. The part I found hard was thinking of WOW word's.

Thursday 1 March 2018

kite making

Today we made kites. First we drew Maori deigns on some paper. Next we got some glad wrap. And drew over the patterns With vivid marker. It was hard because if made a mistake I could not change it back. After that we made tails for the kites I put feathers on mine. And then finally It got stuck up on the wall.This is my kite!