
Tuesday 26 June 2018


Starting to learn about the day of the dead

Today we have finished the Chinese new year and now i'm on day of the dead. The Teacher told us to make a blog post about the day of the dead. But I only know one thing.And that is that on the day of the dead you think about your loved ones the have passed away and that is all I know so far. I will put a few ore posts on my blog of what I have learnt soon. If you know anything comment and tell me. P.S If you see a name called Arie in any post that is my i'm called Arie for short.

Phonics Prefixes

 For Phonics I have been learning about Prefixes. At first it was pretty easy finding the Prefixes in the word find.But once I found out we had to say what it is and post it on our blog I it got a little bit more tricky. It was easy knowing what a prefix was but hard explaining it. It was real cool how the teacher made a word find where we had to find words with a Prefix in it. here is some example of what a Prefix is.

Monday 25 June 2018

What I know about Chinese new year

For about 2 weeks we have been learning about Chinese new year I took notes about what I learnt I learnt a lot. check out my notes. we also had to draw our own dragons.
This is what mine looks like.

The Chinese new year
The date changes every year.
It is also the spring festival.
One sixth of the world celebrate it (The Chinese new year).
It is the longest public holiday and the whole country is on the move
This is the year of the dog (2018)
They have lots of lights like lanterns sprinklers and neon buildings to lanterns sprinklers and neon buildings to scare away the
- evil spirits (yin and yang).
They eat noodles for good luck.
They don't leave their house just for good luck and all the shops.
No wearing black because it’s bad luck and no cleaning because it will wash all the good luck away,  I'm an OX Arie.

Friday 15 June 2018

Raijin the thunder god

Today I got in a new subject called myths and legends to day we researched the myth about Raijin the thunder god. It was hard finding out what all the Japaneses words meant, But it was easy finding out what Raijin looks like, I really liked Raijin backstory. I know all of this by one website click the link for it.
Click me Whatch my slide if you want to see what I learnt.

Thursday 14 June 2018

year of the dog

Today we learnt about Chinese new year year of the dog. I also learnt some things they do in the year of the dog. They do traditional dances, sing and their family's gather up for a special dinner. You may hear music,singing and lots of screaming. You may see dancers,tents and awesome looking lanterns.
I haven't been to china but I know all this because of a website. if you want to learn more click on this link.Click here

Monday 11 June 2018

Learning about Chinese new year

This week for literacy we are learning about Chinese new year I don,t know much because i'm English So hopefully I learn something.

Thursday 7 June 2018

turning in work for credits

Today me and my class showed the teacher our matariki work and we got credits credits are like points one you fill up your bar you get a prize. It was hard keeping all my work in the same spot it was easy doing the posts. It was interesting how we got points by turning in all of the matariki work by doing mine I got 3 credits.